The goal is not to become an “influencer” per se but to leave those around you, who follow you or are connected to you on LinkedIn, better off.

In a world where people chase vanity metrics to look like influencers on LinkedIn, it’s essential to focus on genuine influence and value.

Many resort to engagement pods, indiscriminate connections, and even automated software (which violates LinkedIn’s User Agreement) to bolster their network growth.

However, there are more authentic and effective ways to increase your influence on LinkedIn.

Here are three actionable steps to increase your influence on LinkedIn:

1. Give as Much Value as Possible to the Content You Create


Creating valuable content is the cornerstone of building influence.

Value-driven content not only attracts engagement but also establishes you as a thought leader in your field.

This means providing insights, tips, and information that genuinely help your audience.

Action Step:

Focus on creating content that addresses your audience’s pain points and provides actionable solutions.

Use LinkedIn’s posts, articles, and video features to share your expertise.

For instance, if you’re in marketing, you could write a detailed post about the latest trends in digital marketing and how to leverage them for business growth.


Set a schedule to post high-quality content regularly.

Aim for at least three valuable posts per week.

Track the performance of your content using LinkedIn’s analytics tools.

Pay attention to engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and shares to understand what resonates most with your audience.

Adjust your content strategy based on these insights to continually provide value.

2. Support Others’ Content That Supports You and Yours


Reciprocal engagement is a powerful way to build relationships and increase your influence.

By supporting others who support you, you create a network of mutual appreciation and trust, which can amplify your reach and impact.

Action Step:

Identify and engage with the content of those who regularly interact with your posts.

Like, comment on, and share their posts to show your support.

Additionally, provide meaningful comments that add value to the discussion, rather than just generic responses.

This will not only strengthen your relationships but also increase your visibility on LinkedIn.


Dedicate time each day to engage with others’ content.

Set a daily goal to interact with at least five posts from your network.

Keep a log of the posts you engage with and monitor any increase in reciprocal interactions.

Over time, track how these interactions impact your overall engagement and influence on LinkedIn.

3. Build as Many Trusted Business Relationships as Possible


Building a network of trusted relationships is crucial for long-term influence.

It’s not about the quantity of connections but the quality of those relationships.

Trusted business relationships can lead to collaborations, referrals, and deeper engagement.

Action Step:

Focus on connecting with individuals who share your professional interests and values.

When sending connection requests, personalize your message to explain why you want to connect and how you can mutually benefit from the relationship.

Once connected, nurture these relationships by regularly engaging with their content, offering help when needed, and scheduling virtual coffee chats or meetings to deepen the connection.


Set a goal to send personalized connection requests to at least five new people each week. Keep track of your connections and schedule regular follow-ups.

Use a CRM or a simple spreadsheet to manage your interactions and ensure you are consistently nurturing these relationships.

Review your network growth and the quality of your engagements monthly to assess the effectiveness of your efforts.

Increasing your influence on LinkedIn is about providing genuine value, supporting your network, and building trusted relationships.

By focusing on these three strategies, you can grow your influence authentically and meaningfully.

Your Next Steps:

  1. Create Valuable Content: Develop a content schedule, post regularly, and track your performance to continually provide value.
  2. Engage Reciprocally: Dedicate daily time to support others’ content and monitor the impact on your engagement.
  3. Build Quality Relationships: Personalize connection requests, nurture relationships, and review your network growth regularly.

Commit to these actions, track your progress, and adjust your strategies based on the feedback and engagement you receive.

By focusing on genuine value and relationships, you can significantly increase your influence on LinkedIn.

Let’s connect and grow together on LinkedIn!

Share your progress and any insights you gain along the way.

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