As much as some people resist it, AI is here and isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

AI is getting better, smarter, and more efficient by the day.

But is there a place for it on LinkedIn?

The answer is a resounding yes!

LinkedIn even has its own AI assist integration for those who use a LinkedIn Premium account.

But are there ways to use ChatGPT for LinkedIn?


Here are the three best ways to use ChatGPT for LinkedIn:

1. Use It for Poll Questions


Engaging your audience with well-crafted poll questions can significantly increase your visibility and interaction on LinkedIn. Polls invite participation, gather insights, and spark conversations, making them a powerful tool for engagement.

Action Step:

Use ChatGPT to generate compelling poll questions tailored to your audience’s interests and industry trends. Simply provide ChatGPT with a few keywords or topics, and it will suggest engaging poll questions. For example, if you’re in the marketing industry, you might ask, “Which social media platform gives you the highest ROI?”


Schedule a time each week to review and create poll questions with ChatGPT. Post at least one poll per week and monitor the engagement metrics. Track the number of votes, comments, and shares each poll receives to understand what resonates best with your audience. Adjust your poll topics based on the feedback and engagement levels.

2. Use It for Content Topic Ideas


Consistently generating fresh and relevant content topics can be challenging. ChatGPT can provide a steady stream of content ideas that align with your audience’s interests, ensuring you always have engaging topics to share.

Action Step:

Ask ChatGPT for content ideas based on your industry, recent trends, or specific themes you want to cover. For instance, if you’re in finance, you could prompt ChatGPT with, “What are the top trends in personal finance for 2024?” Use these suggestions to plan your content calendar.


Set a weekly or monthly brainstorming session with ChatGPT to generate new content ideas. Create a content calendar to schedule your posts and ensure a consistent posting frequency. Review the performance of your posts regularly, noting which topics generate the most engagement, and refine your content strategy accordingly.

3. Use It for Tip Prompts for Your Videos


Video content is highly engaging, but coming up with fresh ideas for tips can be tough. ChatGPT can help generate a variety of tip prompts, making it easier to create valuable and engaging video content.

Action Step:

Prompt ChatGPT to provide tips related to your field. For example, if you’re in the health and wellness industry, you might ask, “What are some quick daily wellness tips for busy professionals?” Use these tips to create short, informative videos that provide value to your audience.


Plan a content creation day where you use ChatGPT to generate a list of tips for your videos. Record and schedule these videos for regular posting. Track the performance of each video, noting views, likes, and comments to determine which topics are most popular. Use this data to inform future video content.

Integrating ChatGPT into your LinkedIn strategy can significantly enhance your content creation process, making it easier to engage your audience and maintain a consistent presence.

By using ChatGPT to generate poll questions, content topic ideas, and tip prompts for videos, you can ensure that your LinkedIn activity is always fresh, relevant, and engaging.

Your Next Steps:

  1. Generate Poll Questions If You Struggle To Come Up With Your Own: Use ChatGPT to create engaging poll questions and post them weekly.
  2. Brainstorm Content Ideas If You Run Into A Creative Block: Leverage ChatGPT to come up with fresh content topics and maintain a consistent posting schedule.
  3. Create Video Tips If You Need Extra Help Doing Your Videos: Use ChatGPT to generate tip prompts and produce regular video content.

Commit to these actions, track your progress, and adjust your strategies based on the feedback and engagement you receive.

By incorporating AI into your LinkedIn strategy, you can stay ahead of the curve and maximize your engagement on the platform.

Let’s connect and grow together on LinkedIn!

Share your progress and any insights you gain along the way.

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#linkedin #chatgpt #AI